A while back when I was meeting with a client, she said something that stopped me in my tracks.
“I was looking at your portfolio and I can see a big difference in the projects you did branding AND website design for. They just stand out and are so much more stunning.”
You know how sometimes you know something, but you wonder if anyone else sees it too? This was one of those times I got confirmation that I’m not alone.
It’s true.
There is an extra spark of magic that happens when clients sign on for the full shabang of both branding and website design.
I believe there are a few reasons for this:
Branding and website design is a full strategic process
A website is going to shine more when it is built on a foundation of strategy. My brand process is all about making thoughtful decisions. The end result will shine with extra luster when those decisions aren’t piecemeal or arbitrary, but incorporate the businesses’ message, target market and voice. When we start with branding, we are setting the foundation first that will have ripple effects into the website design process.
A brand is what makes a website unique.
It’s not the flashy animations or the unique features. Those things can actually be confusing and distracting. Branding is what gives you the tools to create visual elements in a signature way.
A website gives a brand a platform and a voice.
No other brand asset makes a brand come alive quite like a website. Before a website, a brand is somewhat abstract. A website makes it real.
When clients book my brand and website pro package, I’m given the full freedom and flexibility to create a whole cohesive look that works together seamlessly.
I’m somewhat limited if a client comes to me with some but not all of their brand elements in place. There is an element of guesswork in this case.
When I start from scratch, I’m building the brand and website from the ground up. It’s a little like building a new home instead of renovating.
It’s not that I can’t create a beautiful website without doing the client’s brand first. I have done many effective websites this way.
If you need a website and have a valid reason for waiting on the brand, don’t let that stop you. (I’m all for progress over perfection).
However, there is something extra - a bit of sparkle - that shows up when both are done together.
And it is so fun to see service providers step into a new confidence when they have a stunning brand and site that matches their excellence.
It's a big reason why I love what I do.
Ready to get your brand and website established? Book a call with me and let's get started!