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Nance Communications


When Lauren Nance reached out to me, she had spent hours making her website and was stuck. She knew that her expertise was better used elsewhere. So she approached me about designing her site for her.

Working with her was incredibly fun. I loved drawing out her spunkiness and showcasing her enthusiasm for what she does to her ideal clients. Now she has a site that reflects her excellence in a unique way.

Services:  Website Design and SEO 

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Website Homepage 

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About Page

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Lauren Nance

Nance Communications

"For YEARS I tried to design my own website. Reason: I wanted to save money and learn how to do it. But web design - even with platforms like Wix - is not my MAIN THING. In a final surrender, I hired Alli Beck Design. This move was my BEST move and the BEST investment I could make in my business. Now my website is DONE!


Alli, the biggest THANK YOU for wrapping yourself around the vision for my business and making it SPEAK! You designed a website I am so proud of!"

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